2017 Roshgold Young Business Achiever Awards
Finalists & Nominations


“We are the chilli chocolate chefs the winners of last year’s Roshgold Young Business Achiever Awards. Our story is of two young girls with big ideas who took a giant leap to chase our dreams and follow our passion in the culinary world. We started off with our dad’s car, our mums kitchen equipment and borrowed space in our aunts kitchen. Fast forward 8 years of fun messy kitchens late nights, constructive arguing and tons of delicious food! We never imagined winning the Roshgold Young Business Achievers Award and we are truly humbled. Winning the award has meant the world to us, the awareness, recognition, confidence and mentorship that Chilli Chocolate Chefs received since the award has been phenomenal! Our journey with Roshgold has given us exposure to greater opportunities and inspired us to dream big! We encourage you to enter your business and follow your dreams”
– Fatima & Zainab Paruk, Chilli Chocolate Chefs- Winners, Roshgold YBAA 2017

1st Place Winner!
Zainab & Faatimah Paruk “Chilli Chocolate Chefs”

Product Description:
Chilli Chocolate Chefs is an established chef sister act in the cullinary world of KwaZulu-Natal, specializing in gourmet Halaal catering. Established 8 years ago, the chefs (Zainab & Faatima Paruk) Chilli Chocolate Chefs started with just the two chefs, a borrowed car, use of the family home kitchen and equipment with no capital ata all. Now 8 years later, Chilli Chocolate Chefs has 2 dedicated vehicles, rented premises, food preparation and categoring equipment. Their staff complement has grown to 8 x full time staff, a backup team of casual staff, as well as, contracts with an accountant and media & communications service provider.

On leveraging technology:
Innovation! Chilli Chocolate Chefs is not in the business of recycling the same offering at all events. Each one is unique to the setting and the client needs.

www.chillichocolatechefs.co.za | hello@chillichocolatechefs.co.za | @chillichocolatechefs

1st Runner Up
Hamzah Pandor “Pandors Exclusive Designs”

Product Description:
Pandors Exclusive designs specializes in design, manufacture & installation of 1) high quality kitchen units, 2)bedroom cupboards, 3) shop fittings. We seen a gap in the market to provide upmarket clients with high quality products and an affordable price. These clients appreciate the personal attention with great service of a larger company.

Advice to the youth/young entrepreneurs:
Aspire to be an entrepreneur and not just a “business owner”. With every difficulty there’s a lesson to be learnt. Never be afraid to seek knowledge and advises from those around you. When you fail, try again. Ultimately aspire to be the best in your trade and never give up

www.pandorsdesigns.co.za | info@pandorsdesigns.co.za | @pandorsdesigns

2nd Runner Up
Zakeeya Mitha “Sugarlicious”

Product Description:
We are the only ice cream macaron store in South Africa, we airfreight to Johannesburg and Cape Town for functions, we also revolutionized the way ice cream is sold, we package our ice cream in styrofoam boxes with dry ice to last the consumer 30/45 minutes till they get home. This ensures the cold chain as well as product quality.

On leveraging technology:
Our business is structures on technology, our POS works off a tablet, we have app based payment options as well as app based stock control, we steup online ordering during peak periods. Most of our marketing is done via social media, we have increased our following to voer 20 000 (real) followers. We advertise our events/products via social media and this has created a national demand to further embed our brand in South Africa

www.sugarlicious.co.za | info@sugarlicious.co.za | @sugarlicious

4th Finalist
Faheema Mahomed “Restore Health Water”

Product Description:
Restore Health Water was founded with a vision to change the lives of our clients and the community. We provide antioxidant, alkaline, ionised water, also known by our clients as “life-changing” water. Our water has improved the lives of people suffering from renal failure (kidney disease), gout, acidity, inflammation, heartburn, constipation, acne, weightloss as well as people looking to improve their overall quality of life. Through our work with NPOs we have been able to provide branded water to them which they sell to the community and generate revenue for their respective organizations.

Advice to the youth/young entrepreneurs:
One of the most important skills that is needed as a business owner, is networking… there is no way you can grow a business just using technology, there has to be a brand, a story or a message that we need to communicate. It is easier to close a deal if you connect with people so teach you rkids to be people’s people, kind, humble and never boastful

www.restoreh2o.co.za | faheema@restoreh2o.co.za | @restorehealthwater

5th Finalist
Madzenga Mabaso “CraziNerd”

Product Description:
Crazynerd is a business that was started with the sole intention of creating a platform for young entrepreneurs to get themselves online. We create websites for people for only R400 because we simply realized that we can’t be like others that are boasting about helping entrepreneurs yet their prices create barriers for the same people they claim to be catering for. We wanted to be different in our approach and actually create an alternative affordable route to the online market for every entrepreneur out there.

Advice to the youth/young entrepreneurs:
Don’t try to get rick quick, don’t overprice things, help others grow with you, share your knowledge, be an older sibling and guide the new business owners, only then can you call yourself a leader and entrepreneur, because and entrepreneur isn’nt someone who makes employees, an entrepreneur is someone who makes other entrepreneurs

www.crazinert.com | nilton@crazinerd.com | @crazinerd_com

2017 Top 20 Finalists

Faaiza Chohan – LeFai by Faaiza
Ejaz Khan – KhanetiX
Nadia Motala – Nadia Motala Hair & Beauty
Zakeeya Mohamed – Churrolicious
Basheera Dawjee – Modesty by Bash
Faheema Mahomed – Restore Health Water
Nasreen Chamda – Doux by Nasreen
Dilnaaz Omar – Dupe Factorie
Ayesha Lambat – Enderun College
Farzana Mayet – Panache Promo’s & events

Zakeeya Mitha – Sugarlicious
Ashraf Kadwa – Chilli Chocolate Chefs
Mohamed Zia Sadik – Muslim Council of Entrepreneurs
Suhaila Ameer – Noori Enterprises
Raeesa Dindar – The Flame Boys
Sadiyah Mosam – Mesmerizing Mixes
Ahmed Khota – Spartans Sports Academy
Madzenga Mabaso – Crazinerd.com
Zakiyya Patel – Cherrytop Clothing
Hamzah Pandor – Pandor Designs

2017 Nominations List

Muaaz Teladia – Telsens
Uzair Bhalia – Alpha Academy Tuition Centre
Ziyad Jina – Freshly Cut Media
Muneer Bham – Carpet & Decor Centre
Sameera Hamid – SKH-SA
Ejaz Khan – KhanetiX
Huzayfah Navlakhi – Grand Butcher Shoppe
Nabeela Docrat – Art Escape
Madeeha Karim – Shop KL
Farhana Sacoor – Commerce 4 Kids
Nadia Motala – Nadia Motala Hair & Beauty

Zakeeya Mohamed – Churrolicious
Raaeesa Choonara – Fiori Paris
Zainub Saley – Ur Confection Connection
Layyah Saley – Luna by Layyah
Fahmeeda Hussain – Decadence by Fahmeeda
Sameer Ismail – SSY Auto
Zaakira Ravat – Tuition Aid
Basheera Dawjee – Modesty by Bash
Waseem Camroodeen – Lenasia Times
Faheema Mahomed – Restore Health Water
Raeesa Bassa – Muah (Pty)Ltd

Sumayyah Chohan – Cinnamon & Lace
Faaiza Chohan – LeFai by Faaiza
Nasreen Chamda – Doux by Nasreen
Dilnaaz Omar – Dupe Factorie
Raeesa Essop – The MOdest Wardrobe
Nuri Davids – Zemiente
Yaseera Sujee – 60_seconds_of_love
Safiyyah Patel – Vanilla Sugar
Shaazia Soomar – Shaazia_tasneem_buddy
Shuayb Vawda – Razmo Designs
Ayesha Lambat – Enderun College

Fatima Bhamjee – The Felt ‘n Tutu
Nasira Joosab – Fashion Wire
Farzana Mayet – Panache Promo’s & events
Fatima Sayanvala – Hijabella
Abdur-Rahamaan Moolla – Geo Wild Halaal Game Meat
Basheera Omar – iCandy Confiserie
Zakeeya Mitha – Sugarlicious
Ashraf Kadwa – Chilli Chocolate Chefs
Raabia Ravat – Butterfly Hijabi
Laila Tickley – LTK Architects
Mohammed Zia Sadik – MYCOE

Suhaila Ameer – Noori Enterprises
Salmah Suleman – Party Supplies SA
Raeesa Dindar – The Flame Boys
Amina Jogee – Ahdia Art
Safiyya Sujee – Safhappens
Fatima Docrat Ebrahim – Sweet Temptations
Shabir Satar – Wifi Wave
Shanaaz NBE Nkomo – Sesiyafika
Zainab Mahomed – Babandz
Sheraz Dawood – SD Auto
Sadiyah Mosam – Mesmerizing Mixes

Zeenat Kajee – Hijama by Zeenat
Ahmed Khota – Spartans Sports Academy
Madzenga Mabaso – Crazinerd.com
Shamima Chohan – Cassim Chohan & Co
Raeesa Abdulla – Dr Raeesa Abdulla
Zakiyya Patel – Cherrytop Clothing
Atiyyah Kajee – Pinstove
Summaya Nanabhay – Holiday Night Market
Hamzah Pandor – Pandor Designs